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Escape From Tarkov Lighthouse Map Guide

Want to make money in Escape From Tarkov quickly? Here's how.

Luke Siuty
By Luke Siuty
2 minute read

Want to make millions with scav runs in Escape From Tarkov? Let's dive into the details.

You can make money easily in Escape From Tarkov when doing scavenger runs on the Lighthouse map. We've got an excellent video from Lone Raiders and a useful map to get you millions of roubles.

Tarkov Lighthouse video guide

You have four potential extracts from the map: Path to Shoreline, Grotto Hideout Extract, Industrial Gates Extract, Train Extract (shown at 2:30).

The video goes through a route from a potential spawn on the west side of the map, near the beach. It shows how to get close to the water treatment plants safely and where loot might be. Beware the Rogues that spawn around here. You will need to be fast, as some of the loot cachces can get swiped by other players.

Tarkov Lighthouse Map

Tarkov Lighthouse Map

Recent map made by Jindouz.

The Escape From Tarkov Wiki has the best and latest Lighthouse map. It features interactive icons and a custom zoom. It shows you everything you need to know, so pay attention to where the mines are (near the water reclamation plant), where the escapes are, and where the loot usually is.

Make sure to be properly prepared before heading to the lighthouse island, which contains several buildings and two garages, as there's a fair amount of loot in the houses there. Get your aim straight because if you encounter enemies there you might get a nasty surprise. Practice your aim in 3D Aim Trainer for better odds in 1v1 situations on this map!

Looking for a different way to make money? Check out our Tarkov Shoreline Stash Guide.

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Luke Siuty
About Luke Siuty

Wordsmith at SteelSeries. Enthusiastic about Dota 2 and fighting games. A cat dad.